Practice Curriculum | Grade School Beginner

Beginner Wrestlers | Ages 6 - 11

Our Beginner Program is on a quarterly loop (13 weeks).  The rules and fundamentals from each position (neutral, top, bottom) will be covered in every 13 week cycle. 

Once your wrestler is proficient at all the skills and mentality aspects of our 13 week beginner program, the may move up to the "Experienced" group and practices.

    Beginner Wrestling Technique & Live

    • Designed for beginner grade schoolers, this practice will develop your child’s discipline, confidence, strength, balance, and understanding of wrestling fundamentals. Your child will learn to become proficient at the rules, skills, drills, and mentality components in our curriculum and be introduced to live wrestling.

    Onboarding / Warm-up Review

    • A coach will review our warm-up & calisthenics routine along with cover basic wrestling fundamentals during this session.  It is important to attend this practice while your wrestler is still learning the basics.

    Strength & Balance Circuit

    • Practices focus on developing and improving our wrestlers' strength, fundamental positioning, and fundamental movement by using wrestling-specific lifts, drills, and exercises.  These are structured group sessions and will greatly benefit new and beginner wrestlers.